What is Operation Rescue Colorado?

That question has been asked many times. On occasion, we are a very high profile organization. We are shown on the TV news, there are sound bites on the radio, our pictures are in the daily newspapers and we are even mentioned in churches.

But with all that, our core purpose is rarely mentioned. Operation Rescue started in the late 1980's. The call then, as now, was one of repentance. And that call has always been to the church first. Many Christians would agree that abortion is murder but our actions betray our rhetoric. We might believe it but we don't live it. Operation Rescue Colorado is working to change that. We want to see all Christians active in the defense of the preborn and their mothers.

Methods have always been secondary. We do not hold up one activity as all important any more than we see our ministry as all important. Operation Rescue is a facet of the whole pro-life movement. No more important than the other parts and no less essential either.

So, what is essential? For one, our presence in front of abortion mills. It is there that we attempt to give women an opportunity to learn the truth about abortion. Many babies have been saved because their mothers heard the truth moments before their child was scheduled to die. That is essential!

We are also working in some unique areas. The goal with each is to make information on life issues only a phone call away. The Life Connection InfoFax and Life Connection InfoLine both make outgoing calls and deliver information by fax or a recorded message. Many times this is information of a time critical nature that needs action right away. The InfoLine also receives incoming calls to deliver a menu of recorded information. Information is available to help those in a crisis pregnancy and those who have been hurt by abortion. Much is also available to help the Christian in their prolife witness. This is available 24 hours a day by calling 303-237-4146.

Another very important ministry is the God is Going Back to School Campaign. This nationwide campaign at the high schools is marked by 5 foot tall signs, banners, tracts, abstinence and prolife literature, and the testimony of Jesus on our lips. We challenge the lies that are being taught to the students and raise a standard of righteousness and purity. In addition to 5 foot signs showing the horror of abortion, we also show the beauty of life through 5 foot signs of an 8 week old baby in the womb. In irrefutable contrast, the difference between the life and death mentalities are shown. This campaign strikes a blow to the root. It is at the high schools that the children are taught the behavior that leads them to the abortion mill door. We proclaim and authenticate the truth that can set them free. We go to the schools during the spring and fall

We need your help! Our only source of support is the friends of this ministry. Remember, we are not asking for ourselves; we are all volunteers. We just want to make as big of an impact as possible as we battle the forces of death.

Thank you for your involvement. Join us on the streets if you can, give what you can and please keep us in your prayers.

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